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675 Audio Reviews

389 w/ Responses


Really tight track man, first 5 seconds, and I was already into it :D

-Sounds very video game-ish, so for genre, there yah go ;)

-A very nice theme, it was pretty easy to keep up with. It seems you've gotten better with FL Studio, keep it up man, I really like it :D


TorkKey responds:

Thanks a lot man! I appreciate the review and I'm glad you like it.



Quite honestly, I expect a lot from you, but this song just didn't cut my expectations as much as your other stuff. The fact that it really isn't DnB is a slight factor. If anything, you just said that it was trancebreak, put it under trance, that's where it's going to get the attention of those who enjoy it. Then again, you're ParagonX9, not like it matters, right?

Musically, this is definitely got a good amount of elements. It was predictable, some parts really came out to the listen as amazing, lots of good transitions. Quite honestly, some of your building transitions could have been slightly reveerbed to attain maximum potential, which brings me to clarity. The beginning is a good choice of, well, a beginning. Lots of great build. That delayed synth could be better though. The EQ'ing on it is definitely too high. You need to cut a bit of the higher frequencies to make it soft and pretty, making that beginning transition all the more worth it. I think you might have been trying to distinguish that synth from the rest of the track, which is great and all, but it was a bit much.

-The beginning transition to the more hardcore breakbeat was really choppy. By listening carefully, I could easily tell that there was an unnecessary break in volume, which gives off an amateur impression of that beginning.

-Quite honestly, they are little things, but you've been in this longer than I have, you should be better, especially with diamond tracks all 'round. I feel a bit cheated on this one, like it could be better, but you didn't take the time to be picky yourself.

-Sorry if it comes off as annoying, crude, or anything of the sort. Take the advice, and get better, because I know you can ;)



Very video game-esque. Very diverse. Very addictive. Dude, I seriously only have these few words to say. Wow! It's musically creative man, I love it. Awesome job!!!


MmmHmm, very nice my lad!

It seems like a well produced song, the vox and the sound fx were hilarious/extremely cool at the same time. The core of the song was high quality, and it drew me it as well. I want to give you some advice, but quite honestly, I can't give you much, I really like it. The singing was awesome, the background bass good too.

Some pointers...

-For the EQ'ing, you might want to lower the bass frequencies just a little and boost some high frequencies in the EQ. The middle frequencies are a bit loud too, and somewhere in the 100-300 Hz range, a lot of mud is possible in bassy instruments. This is on the EQ'ing, so maybe look into it. It feels like a full mix though, very good!

-Great man, keep it up, keep trying harder and harder!



Originality-I really should get a chance to listen to some more goa trance music, that way, I can give you better input on this section. For the moment, it seemed very new wave. The sound is something that is new, considering I barely hear this kind of music. What I can say is that the basics of the song are very similar to alot of other stuff that I listen to, but it a little less obvious this time. Good work!

Diversity-Nice building and dynamics! The song had a great flow to it that just wanted to make you get up and stomp to the beat or something like that :P
-It would have been nice for the song to reach a well thought-out climax. It seems as though you tried to create that with familiar themes and elements used in the beginning of the song all in one place, which was a good attempt. Be critical with yourself on what YOU want (you'll hear that alot from me, that's because it's important). When you're critical as much as possible, it shows in the final product, because people can see the awesome work you've done. This really is a unique sound, keep it up!
Clarity-I can hear that you've taken some of my points into consideration, which is good. With practice and experimentation, you'll get better. Some of your mixes might sound a bit weird at first, but by doing that practicing and experimentation, you grow your mindset of a balance of sound within a song. Overall, the mix is above average, but a lot of your instruments are a bit loud. Now, I understand you might be trying to capture a sense of style within the genre of this song. GREAT! Just remember that if you can push the volume up in some headphones, and something sounds muddled/sharp/something you find annoying, mess around to figure it out and get the right sound within the mix :D

-Effort: YEAH YEAH!

-Work hard, you're getting better at a great rate.


Pulse6 responds:

Thanks for the review Stephen!

I enjoyed making this song very much. I listen to this one about every day, it's so catchy too me! I didn't notice that it was a bit too loud because I used really good Headphones. Oh well.

Thanks for the review mate!


It's getting there.

Originality: Well, it's your style, which is a very nice one I might add. Lots of nice breaks, a great sound, but it struggles to meet a goal. Basically, the song is very good and comes to use some common elements in a nice way, but it wants to achieve a higher quality, but it stops 3/4 of the way there. This is because of the Diversity factor more or less, so read on!

Diversity: Lots of nice breaks, like said above. Great beginning too! It was really milked for its worth. The thing that I find in this song is that it could use a really good release of emotions. It sounds fricken' hot, and then you realize (as the listener) that the song really wants to just burst out, but it skips over that. Maybe a sweet halftime section of powerful strings and synths could really solve that, because otherwise, the song lacks a great climax and resolution to it. It's like giving a present to someone, and forgetting to wrap it up in a nice package. The person sees the present immediately and it becomes a dead moment. Take the awesome structure you've got and make it go somewhere important.

Clarity: :D

Effort: :\ :)

-Keep it up, be critical 'till your blue in the face, then you can see your awesome work in a more finished form.


-By the way, I accidentally voted on that one song you wanted in the pits, my apologies, I was being dumb :(

Getting better!

This song overall shows a development in your music already. I tell, for sure musically, that you seriously got serious on this song. It's diverse, and I totally enjoyed the sound quality of it. Let's get on with another long review! For some reason, there's just something about your music that's so inspiring!

Originality-Killer! Those are some nice brass samples. The whole song feels different with that instrument. You show that you had this awesome idea, and you gave it an attempt, and not one that'll go un-noticed. I'm actually really impressed. Keep making yourself better, and remember to always give it a try whether it'll actually works out in the end. Despite what someone says, you gave it an effort, so look at it and see what you did positively, and see how it could go even better.

Diversity-The song had a great flow from start to beginning. It made sense. You took time to build your flows. It shows a good improvement of your ability. I can see from what you had from your first song, and some of those same elements, but you made the transitions worth something, which is good. People live for transitions within a song, because when it's done right, it creates a tension that is released. It pumps up the listener, and then they breath a sigh of relief, kinda like a roller coaster. One thing I noticed that you used was that pre-recorded brass sample, or maybe a preset? Either way, it sounded good, let me elaborate on that again! It gave the song some push to it. To improve upon that, you can adjust the timing so that it makes sense with the song and flows even better. If it's a preset, maybe you could take it and chop up the sample, and place it in a rhythm that makes sense, for example. If it's a sample, maybe adjust the attack on the sample (how fast it takes the sample to reach it's high point to decay). Be mindful on how that goes, and you'll continue to grow.

Clarity-It's getting there. You've taken the sounds and blended them pretty nicely. One thing you'll have to be mindful of is the sound that a bassy instrument can make (i.e. a kick drum, bass synth (like in your song). Bass instruments can be a bit tricky at first, but the solution is really simple.

-Do you know what the EQ function is? If not, what program do you use? If you're using FL Studio (any version, it's all the same), then maybe we can work on that together (for example, I could ship you a tutorial). If you know what EQ is, I suggest picking up a book on EQ'ing then. It's a vital part to music making with synthesizers, samples, and the like.

-Either way, bassy samples usually distort around 100-300 Hz. What that means is the sound might get cluttered with itself around that range. In EQ, you can cut that frequency down to improve the sound quality. To boost the bass, you can cut the 600-800 Hz range for even better bass quality. It's best to experiment and find the preferences that'll suit the song.

Effort: Definitely. Keep at it, I'll be watching :D


Sweet loop :D

-Take these ratings seriously, I think you could go somewhere, so I'm going to give you something to you for your 1st song.

-Let's start with the Originality of the song. It's your basic techno listen, every generic track sounds like this. It shows that you have a good understanding of where you need to go with your music. What you need to construct is your style upon it. Of course, you made this song, but how do you take it and make yourself even stronger than you are now?

-Here's some tips...

-Be creative! Don't let the world dictate what you want to write. People can be such an opinionated audience of listeners; many people stop listening to a song because of a lack of value, something tangible to hold on to the song, or maybe it seems like the same old song. The one quality that the audience appreciates is a great attempt to define your sound. Experiment with your audio making program, and just gain experience with figuring out what you like to make, and how to make it. You'll get it down little by little, and from that, you'll be able to do whatever you want, and be good at it.
-Have fun! If you didn't like making this loop you posted, find a way to write the music you like to make (which I explained above). When you love to make your music, you almost always do a better job at it, because you want to be great. It's that strive to really be talented at something, and expand upon it.

-Okay, how about the Diversity?

-For a short loop, it was a good listen. The backdrop of the song was really nice. If anything at all, you should build on your transitions, and the road map of the song. What this means is that you need to create your song to flow the way you want it to. BE PICKY! (at least until you feel like it's really done, or until you're extremely tired of working on the piece). Your music making in this fashion would show you as a intelligent musician.

A short tip...

-When making your songs, be awake to the message you want to convey with the song. If you want to create someone in a confused rage, be intelligent and add some short pauses of ambience that sounds evil/dark-ish in between some chaotic parts. Some sharp transition would work with that.

-Mind you, that's just an example, but it gives you an idea of how you may want to do that. There might be another way that you want to write the music at. Whatever fits your style, go with it and go to great lengths to enjoy the music making process.

-Sweet, onto Clarity!

-Clarity is one of the hardest things for many people to understand with ease. Anyone can understand it without knowing it, but as a musician, you'll need to be able to dictate the sound you want. What you got is a fairly good mix, better than most of my beginning tracks.

-Remember, a balance of sound is key to the success of the music. If the track feels too muffled, or too bassy, or dry, just as examples, the listener might pick up on that, might not, depends on the ears of the person. But to keep that listener in there, your sound needs to be definite, consistent, and fricken' good.

-Let's take the clap sample in your song here. It has a nice, crisp sound to it, but it needs a powerful feel to it. Instead of trying to increase the sound of the power sound, instead decrease the crispness so it's still there, but is more or less "blending in" with the bassier end. If you feel you need more bass, then turn it up a little more. Keep it mind your clap needs to mix with the song, so listen to the song while adjusting the parameters you need for the clap sample so it sounds good in the mix. If it sounds good by itself, it might be a different sound otherwise.

-This can be done with EQ'ing (google EQ), but there are so many ways to adjust the sound, so once again, experiment!

Effort: It's your first song, pretty sweet!

-If you have any questions, be sure to ask me or leave a drop at the audio forum on newgrounds, or maybe research your question a little. The answer is always there, but you have to ask it first :D

-Keep at it man!


Not bad :D

The only thing that really catches me as annoying is the fact that your main synths aren't EQ'ed right with the filter FX. If you do want to continue this song (and it's encouraged :P) then make sure to automate your EQ'ing to fit with the FX, because the high end really kills the song when it's so dang loud :P

-Either way, WORK ON IT!!!


On-yX responds:

I never noticed that. PM me because you didnt explain that very well xD

ImperfectDisciple-Re cording the world one track at a time.

Age 33

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