Sweet loop :D
-Take these ratings seriously, I think you could go somewhere, so I'm going to give you something to you for your 1st song.
-Let's start with the Originality of the song. It's your basic techno listen, every generic track sounds like this. It shows that you have a good understanding of where you need to go with your music. What you need to construct is your style upon it. Of course, you made this song, but how do you take it and make yourself even stronger than you are now?
-Here's some tips...
-Be creative! Don't let the world dictate what you want to write. People can be such an opinionated audience of listeners; many people stop listening to a song because of a lack of value, something tangible to hold on to the song, or maybe it seems like the same old song. The one quality that the audience appreciates is a great attempt to define your sound. Experiment with your audio making program, and just gain experience with figuring out what you like to make, and how to make it. You'll get it down little by little, and from that, you'll be able to do whatever you want, and be good at it.
-Have fun! If you didn't like making this loop you posted, find a way to write the music you like to make (which I explained above). When you love to make your music, you almost always do a better job at it, because you want to be great. It's that strive to really be talented at something, and expand upon it.
-Okay, how about the Diversity?
-For a short loop, it was a good listen. The backdrop of the song was really nice. If anything at all, you should build on your transitions, and the road map of the song. What this means is that you need to create your song to flow the way you want it to. BE PICKY! (at least until you feel like it's really done, or until you're extremely tired of working on the piece). Your music making in this fashion would show you as a intelligent musician.
A short tip...
-When making your songs, be awake to the message you want to convey with the song. If you want to create someone in a confused rage, be intelligent and add some short pauses of ambience that sounds evil/dark-ish in between some chaotic parts. Some sharp transition would work with that.
-Mind you, that's just an example, but it gives you an idea of how you may want to do that. There might be another way that you want to write the music at. Whatever fits your style, go with it and go to great lengths to enjoy the music making process.
-Sweet, onto Clarity!
-Clarity is one of the hardest things for many people to understand with ease. Anyone can understand it without knowing it, but as a musician, you'll need to be able to dictate the sound you want. What you got is a fairly good mix, better than most of my beginning tracks.
-Remember, a balance of sound is key to the success of the music. If the track feels too muffled, or too bassy, or dry, just as examples, the listener might pick up on that, might not, depends on the ears of the person. But to keep that listener in there, your sound needs to be definite, consistent, and fricken' good.
-Let's take the clap sample in your song here. It has a nice, crisp sound to it, but it needs a powerful feel to it. Instead of trying to increase the sound of the power sound, instead decrease the crispness so it's still there, but is more or less "blending in" with the bassier end. If you feel you need more bass, then turn it up a little more. Keep it mind your clap needs to mix with the song, so listen to the song while adjusting the parameters you need for the clap sample so it sounds good in the mix. If it sounds good by itself, it might be a different sound otherwise.
-This can be done with EQ'ing (google EQ), but there are so many ways to adjust the sound, so once again, experiment!
Effort: It's your first song, pretty sweet!
-If you have any questions, be sure to ask me or leave a drop at the audio forum on newgrounds, or maybe research your question a little. The answer is always there, but you have to ask it first :D
-Keep at it man!