Pretty awesome
I always like music that reminds me of DDR, so this was pretty awesome. Simplistic, but very cool. I was waiting for it to break loose times a billion, but oh well :P
Pretty awesome
I always like music that reminds me of DDR, so this was pretty awesome. Simplistic, but very cool. I was waiting for it to break loose times a billion, but oh well :P
BPM is way to slow for DDR, 200+ requirement for DDR.
Work on the mixing more...
After that, genius.
Thanks, I would tend to agree, I just threw this together in about an hour or so, and didn't really get a chance to hand mix it. Thanks for the advice though, I definitely will spend some time mixing it in the future.
Very nice
It's a complete sounding song. Really nice producing and theme going. Never really been into trance once I discovered how awesome soundtrack music is, but nevertheless, I still love this stuff. Very nice though!
Thank you :D im especially happy with the kick / bass :D.
Very cool you reviewed this song :D and thanks for dropping a vote :D.
Greets St0rmChaser
Oh gosh!
Good thing you didn't ask some stupid electronica freak to collab you, lol :P
-Nice stuff here, reminds me of Punk-o-Matic pretty heavily. Btw, I love the way you play the guitar, I forget it's called it a guitar, and I start calling it 'awesome' instead. Stupid confusions :P
Haha I love the way I play guitar too :P it's so great and perfect and ok I'll shut up now haha I'm just kidding. Glad you liked it buddy!
Keep as is.
Or expand it into a soundtrack theme with strings, brass, woodwinds, etc. Wow, this rivals alot of the soundtrack music I've been listening to recently. The piano sound isn't great, but this is quite the musical piece going here. Top-notch dude ;)
Thank you for the review ;)
The sound isn't great, indeed.
I love it!
It's so...randomly obscure in it's sound, but it's also a great tune. I think it'd be great for the dance scene if it were slowed down just a tad. Very catchy. I like the title too ;)
thanx man!
It's amazing...
This is a style of DnB. Some people are so narrow minded to realize that DnB is more than dark, high tempo crap.'s annoying.
-Anyways, great stuff. Very slow-motionish. I like :D
I appreciate having a guy that knows his shit leave a review.
Big ups mate :D
Sweet and tasty!
The mixing was weird, but I'm going to be forgiving today because this is a unique remix. Awesome stuff!
Wow, thanks for the review,
I'll try to master better on the next songs I'll do.
Loses clarity at higher volumes :\
Really great songwork here. I enjoyed this piece. Definitely great for a trance piece. The effects and general tone of each instrument was appreciated. Overall, the mix is distorted, especially at higher volumes. It's disappointing because it would be great to have such a high energy piece at a...higher volume.
-Overall, sweet!
Haven't you posted this like, 2 other times, just to take it off and repost the song?
Is this a review? Mehh....
ImperfectDisciple-Re cording the world one track at a time.
Age 33
Drumming & Music
High School
Somewhere out there...
Joined on 4/14/05