A bit too much bass in all the instruments.
I know that usually, you want a good amount for such instruments as the kick drum and a little from the bass, but the mixing on the bass is very muddy and wobbly. The clap is a bit piercing too, a little too much high frequency. If anything, the bass drum is fine, but the brass and strings need to come out more, especially at the main part of the song, which is around 0:20, and ends at about 0:43.
-Basically, just mix it better, and it's golden :)
-The overall structure of the song (riffs and stuff), is not bad at all. The beginning starts off pretty nice, the groove is fairly simple, but easy to follow because the instruments and their riffs carry the groove nicely.
-The song starts to get repetitive though. The main part is used alot, and I mean A LOT. Take advantage of that and add some dynamics, maybe just use the beat and the piano at one part, add some fills on the drums at key points to drive the song, little things like that really create a great song.
-Good :)