Thank you!
For making this version of my song, this is so amazing, I love this! I originally wrote this piece in 8-bit for the game, but you have totally made this the most amazing thing the world, wow and wow! :D
Thank you!
For making this version of my song, this is so amazing, I love this! I originally wrote this piece in 8-bit for the game, but you have totally made this the most amazing thing the world, wow and wow! :D
I'll be honest, sometimes, I really don't like your music, and sometimes, I do. This, I must say, is your best track. Unfortunately, this is a genre that's been used before, but not many people do it. I really like your take on it, it really offers a lot to imagine and listen to. I wish the beat was a little softer actually, throughout the song, but this is still really good! very nice :D
Thank you very much, the way that this was worded really made me happy. Thank you :D
Despite what others think...
I really like this. I wish it could be expanded more, but this is probably the best madness submission I've heard so far.
Hey thnx! This is just the main theme of the song Im working on theres more to it :)
I appreciate the review
You should have gotten top of the top 5 this week now that I listen to this, WOW! This has a much nicer flow than most songs I hear. There was transition, and that's a good thing in any song. Wow, nice job!
Nothing less than awesome!
This song is really good! I wish it had more dynamics and varieties on the melody. Seems like nothing was changed for the most part, pretty basic. Still freakin' awesome though, sweet!
I'll keep that in mind when I create something like this again.
OH MY!!!
This rocks! The eastern instrument samples are very rich, I think they should be hinted at more throughout the piece, like, small little flair here and there. That really starts around 1:13, but some extra flair before that would be nice. As far as a percussion breakdown, it isn't, but you said percussive, and that would be correct. Nice job, I really like this :)
Thanks so much for the review, I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yes, you're definitely correct, it's more of a percussive breakdown than a percussion one, glad you noticed that and enjoyed it. Thanks again!
Very professional.
Sounds like the menu music of Need for Speed or Crackdown. Go get a job, sheesh :P
Music needs to be this diverse.
Might have repetitive themes, but you really make nice transitions and transform the music to make something more than just some chords, a beat, and melody, this has diversity, and something that's actually worth something to my ears. Very nice synth solo by the way, very creative. I can't believe I haven't noticed your music, but then again, this strikes me as one of the best songs on Newgrounds.
wow, thanks for the review! im glad you liked it, this is probably the song i spent the most time on of all. ill see how the rest of newgrounds reacts :)
Epic! Really, it is
Very nice sound, has a nice groove with the lead synth.
Was amazing, that kinda powerful transition. I really like the piano as well. The deeper strings were also a favorite. It wasn't really a sad song, more depressing then anything, but 2:24 really hit the emotion on you, wow.
-I see this as a hard time in the city, more people in the streets, looking for money, food, but those who actually have something could care less and walk by the less fortunate like these people aren't even there. At 2:24, I see that maybe one of these people might get a job, get a house with it, but then is turned down, and the man or whoever walks away saddened. At the end, he might die? He's an old man, so he probably had a heart attack and fell onto the ground. I can see that he might have fell on cobblestone while it was raining, and just died.
The climax, mixed with the return to the original piano score.
I had no trouble at all with deciding on how to end the song. :D
ImperfectDisciple-Re cording the world one track at a time.
Age 33
Drumming & Music
High School
Somewhere out there...
Joined on 4/14/05